I Love Verticals

Back To Me (Escape with Boss’s Baby)

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A wealthy tech prodigy works undercover as a secretary to date her CEO crush, who once saved her life, hiding her true identity as an heiress to build an authentic relationship.

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director Ella Grace Qin
production studio AC Prochi Productions
year 2025


My Review

final score

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Reveal the review

I wasn’t sure about watching this one, but since I love Nicole and Noah, I gave it a shot—and I’m so glad I did! I never actually pictured them leading together, but their chemistry works perfectly!

I was positively surprised—not only is the story engaging, but we also have a strong female lead who actually stands up for herself! That alone makes this worth watching. The dynamic between Chris and Hermione is fantastic—sometimes funny, sometimes deep. Even though Secret Heiress stories are common in Vertical dramas, this one has something special that makes it stand out.

Meet the Leads

First of all, Nicole is amazing—her facial expressions always add so much personality to her roles! As for Hermione, I loved her from the start. The fact that she tried to expose Lucy immediately? Iconic. She’s smart, gorgeous, confident, and even managed to avoid the drugged drink—she literally checks all the boxes for a badass female lead!

But what I loved most? Her honesty. She never bottles up her emotions, and when she gives Chris that speech in Episode 19, I wanted to cheer! Finally, a female lead who speaks her mind, calls out the guy’s mistakes, and doesn’t let him interrupt her! We need more Hermiones in Vertical dramas, please!

This role fits Noah perfectly, and I loved that he actually had to work to win Hermione back. He messed up big time at the start, and for a while, I almost disliked him. But episode after episode, he slowly earned back my respect.

That being said, I found it hilarious that he thought buying her expensive gifts would win her over. Dude, she’s a freaking heiress—she doesn’t need your money!  But hey, A for effort!

Now, was Chris too controlling and possessive at times? Absolutely. But hey, nobody’s perfect

Meet the Villains

I don’t think I’ve ever hated a drama queen so quickly in a Vertical before! Lucy got on my nerves instantly, so I have to praise Victoria for her performance!

Lucy is the typical mean girl—shallow, manipulative, and a compulsive liar. And of course, she tried to steal Dr. Tea’s identity. Honestly, one day, someone needs to explain to me how these girls think they can get away with this—it’s so easy to expose the lies! Sorry Lucy, but I feel zero sympathy for you!

Chris’s Mom
Sigh… another Vertical mom to hate. Can we please get some supportive mothers for once?

Okay, so Lucy saved her life, and she wants to repay the favor—fair enough. But forcing your son into a relationship because of it? Absolutely not. Just because someone helps you once doesn’t mean they’re not a liar. Why are the moms always so blind?!

The Good Ones: Friends & Family

It’s been a while since I last saw Freddy in a Vertical, and I’m so happy to see him play Henry—the ultimate sweet, loyal best friend.

Henry is either too naïve or just super optimistic, because he actually helped Chris win back Hermione, even though he had feelings for her himself.  Sorry, Henry, she wasn’t the one for you.

Side note to all Vertical drama writers: stop leaving the best friends single—it’s heartbreaking!

Daniel (The Best Brother Ever)
We all need a brother like Daniel—caring, supportive, and non-judgmental. His scenes were always a breath of fresh air.

Also, can we talk about how everyone knows the Garcia family, yet somehow no one knows about the Heirs?  Vertical logic at its finest!

Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed this one! Special mention to the hilariously unrealistic hacking scenes—they always make me laugh. It was so great seeing Noah and Nicole together, and I hope this won’t be their last lead pairing!

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